Klein Quarry Conservation Areas ManagementServices Provided Conservation Management Planning Wetland Preservation Species Diversity Enhancement Native Prairie Establishment Tree and Shrub Plantings Riparian Corridor Enhancement Woodland Restoration Controlled Burning...
St Thomas Church Timber Stand Improvements
St. Thomas Church Timber Stand ImprovementsServices Provided Invasive Species Removal Habitat Improvements Water Quality Improvements ClientSt. Thomas ChurchLocationCoralville, IowaPROJECT COMPLETION2021St. Thomas Church maintains a meditation path for its...
Bat Habitat and Threatened & Endangered Species Surveys
Bat Habitat and Threatened & Endangered Species SurveysServices Provided Bat Netting Wing Banding Radio Telemetry Habitat Survey Threatened & Endangered Species Survey ClientVarious Private EntitiesLocationNorthern & Central IowaPROJECT COMPLETIONOngoingAs...
Marion Trunk Sewer Wetland Delineation
Marion Trunk Sewer Wetland DelineationServices Provided Wetland Field Delineation and Reporting Rapid Stream Assessment Stream Classification Threatened and Endangered Species Preliminary Survey Phase I Archaeological Investigation GIS Mapping Regulatory Coordination...
Prescribed Burning at Wescott Heights
Prescribed Burning at Wescott HeightsServices Provided Controlled Burning Natural Areas Management ClientWescott Heights HOALocationIowa City, IowaProject CompletionOngoingReferenceVicky PedersenProject RESOURCESî Burning the Prairie at...
Cardinal Pointe North HOA Natural Areas Restoration
Cardinal Pointe North HOA Natural Area RestorationServices Provided Natural Area Assessment Adaptive Management Solutions Grant Funding Coordination Invasive Species Removal Water Quality Improvements Maintenance & Monitoring ClientCardinal Pointe North...
Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Natural Resources Management
Johnson County Historic Poor Farm Natural Areas RestorationServices Provided Documentation Review Stakeholder Engagement GIS Data Collection & Mapping Threatened & Endangered Species Habitat Conservation Management Planning ClientJohnson CountyLocationIowa...
Extreme Flood Protection Forested Wetland Mitigation
Extreme Flood Protection Forested Wetland MitigationServices Provided Section 404 Permitting Section 7 NEPA Compliance Woodland Restoration Prairie Establishment Mitigation Monitoring & Maintenance Construction Oversight Threatened & Endangered Species...