Industrial Hygiene
Our decades of experience with asbestos, lead-based paint, and IH projects means you get fast, cost-effective field and analytical services resulting in the most thorough and well-prepared reports in the industry.

Impact7G offers a tenured, certified team of asbestos project managers and inspectors, certified industrial hygienists, and licensed training instructors.

Jacob Huxford
Department Head
Industrial Hygiene
Impact7G provides various occupational health services to ensure workers are protected from workplace hazards. We utilize industry-leading techniques for completing surveys related to excessive noise, exposure to chemical substances, and indoor air quality. Our Certified Industrial Hygienists (CIH) and Industrial Hygiene Technicians are experts in Occupational Safety and Health (OSHA) standards. Our industrial hygiene team has prepared technical reports for a variety of clients that include municipalities, schools, Fortune 500 companies, and private sector businesses.
Sampling & Inventories →
Demolition Specifications →
Respiratory Protection & Personal Exposure Monitoring →
Lead-Based Paint Sampling & Inventories →
Indoor Air Quality Monitoring →
Training →
Case Study: Duncombe Elementary Asbestos Project Design
After inspection and confirmation of asbestos, Impact7G put together a thorough project design, which provided effective strategies for asbestos removal.
Asbestos Sampling & Inventories
Our building inspections are an extension of our Environmental Due Diligence services and are often used when purchasing (or considering purchasing or donating) a piece of real estate (home, school, commercial, or public building) or when renovation or demolition activities will occur. Our inspection reports are extremely thorough and include laboratory results, sample descriptions, locations of asbestos containing materials, photo documentation, and State of Iowa licensure.
Impact7G is commonly called for an asbestos inspection when a property is donated to the local fire department for training purposes. An asbestos inspection is required before demolition or firefighter training drills can be executed since the building is considered public property.
Asbestos Project Design & Demolition Specifications
Impact7G can assist with the preparation of bidding documents, including an asbestos project design and contract documents for the abatement of identified asbestos containing materials. A State of Iowa licensed asbestos Project Designer will prepare the asbestos project design which will detail the required removal techniques, requirements for notification to the State and the EPA, disposal requirements, worker training requirements, bonding requirements, and all other Federal and State requirements for the proper removal of asbestos-containing materials.

Respiratory Protection & Personal Exposure Monitoring
Impact7G’s Certified Industrial Hygienists will work with your EHS team to determine appropriate respiratory protection. Our team addresses respiratory protection proactively; we determine potential chemicals, gases, and airborne particles that could impact employee health and create a program customized for your unique work environment. Once established, Impact7G will provide monitoring services to ensure workers are continually safe from ongoing health hazards.
Lead-Based Paint Sampling & Inventories
Impact7G knows improving the communities we serve and live in begins with a healthy household free of lead-based paint hazards. Our extremely qualified group of environmental professionals bring diverse skill sets to managing properties laden with lead-based paint. From risk assessments and testing to remediation specifications and training, we provide our community partners with cost-effective methods for ensuring lead-based paint is identified and remediated efficiently.

Air Monitoring
Our asbestos air monitoring and project observation services typically include air samples by each removal area, at entrances to containment areas, and near HEPA exhaust. These samples are typically analyzed via the Phase Contrast Microscopy (PCM) method. Final clearance air samples at the completion of asbestos removal activities and upon passing of a visual inspection can be collected and analyzed using the PCM and/or Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) method. Impact7G staff that analyze air samples have completed NIOSH582 certification.
In partnership with META Environmental, Impact7G routinely hosts a variety of in-person and online certification program related to asbestos. Course offerings include Asbestos Contractor/Supervisor, Asbestos Operations & Maintenance, Asbestos Inspector, Asbestos Management Planner, and Asbestos Project Designer.