Natural & Cultural Resources
Clients trust our diverse and knowledgeable team of biologists, ecologists, geologists, foresters, archaeologists, and historic preservationists to offer expertise that allows for effective decision-making.

We provide a full suite of woodland and prairie restoration and management services.

Chant Eicke
Department Head
Natural & Cultural ResourcesÂ
Impact7G provides identification, quantification, and management of natural resources through both conservation and regulatory environments. We leverage our background in natural wetland, woodland, and prairie design, management, permitting, and establishment to inform client decisions.
Wetland Delineation & Permitting →
Conservation Adaptive Management →
Prescribed Burning →
Habitat & Biological Assessment →
Phase IA, I, & II Archaeological Investigations →
Geoarchaeological Investigations →
Architectural History Surveys & Documentation →
Historic Property Research & Documentation →
Case Study: Klein Quarry Conservation Areas Management
Since 2011, Impact7G has worked closely with Klein Quarry to provide conservation planning and day-to-day management of riparian woodlands, forest ecotone, mature oak-hickory savanna, and prairie buffers.
Wetland Delineation & Permitting
Our range of NEPA experience includes an emphasis on wetlands, including Section 404 of the Clean Water Act and Section 10 of the Rivers and Harbors Appropriation Act. From wetland delineation field surveys and data collection through regulatory compliance, mitigation design, monitoring, and maintenance, Impact7G provides holistic professional and technical wetland expertise. That expertise results in timely approvals for your project, backed by information that is clear, concise, and complete.
Impact7G’s rapid and accurate wetland and permitting services are essential for informed planning, design, and predictable and timely execution of projects, both large and small. Seamlessly integrated GPS, GIS, and Autodesk utilization means we get engineers, designers, and architects the information they need, in industry standard formats, so that our findings are immediately applicable and actionable.

Conservation & Adapative Management Planning
Adaptive and Integrated Management Planning are at the core of Impact7G’s restoration services. This approach, with our foundation of applied experience and staff scientists, informs recommendations and strategic planning beyond basic Best Management Practices.
Ecological restoration of native prairie and woodland landscapes in the Midwest is a labor-intensive practice requiring an understanding of historic circumstances and long-term adaptive management challenges. Impact7G’s initial site assessments identify unique features and conservation potential as well as management needs. Our conservation planning services detail techniques, considerations, and management intensity specific to a location’s needs and ecologic potential.
Prescribed Burning
Most prairies and woodland areas require periodic fire to encourage species diversity and ecological health. Impact7G provides rich prescribed fire experience that you can trust to improve the health of remnant and reconstructed prairies and woodlands. Our team will guide you through all stages of fire management, from determining when burning is appropriate to executing an efficient and safe controlled burn.

Habitat & Biological Assessments
Impact7G biologists and ecologists keep projects moving through early and efficient due diligence practices. Impact7G’s Potential of Presence Analysis begins with desktop surveys followed by direct field observation and detailed reporting appropriate for regulatory coordination. We identify unique ecological circumstances and potential regulatory needs early to provide project managers the information they need for timely project completion. When habitat or protected species are found to exist, Impact7G guides projects through appropriate avoidance, minimization, or conservation measures.

Case Study: Historic Context & Evaluations of Low Head Dams
Impact7G evaluated 131 dams across Iowa, developed historic contexts at a statewide level, and created methods for researching and determining significance for dams in the Midwest.
Phase IA, I, & II Archaeological Investigations
We conduct archaeological investigations to meet your specific project needs, from an initial desktop assessment to advanced excavations and documentation. A Phase IA assessment provides information on archaeological sensitivity determining the potential for intact archaeological resources present in an area.
A Phase I intensive survey is completed to identify all archaeological sites within the project area through field examination. During a Phase II survey, an intensive site examination is conducted on targeted sites previously identified through controlled testing to collect sufficient data for National Register eligibility determinations. Our team of experts will work closely with project managers during all steps of an archaeological investigation to facilitate the entire process seamlessly.

Geoarchaeological Investigations
We also offer advanced expertise in geoarchaeological modeling and documentation to facilitate project decisions over a large geographical area. Use of geoarchaeological investigations aids in determining where and how deep potential archaeological sites can occur. Our team commonly examines large swaths of land using mixed geomorphological analysis through landscape/soil analysis, archival research, and subsurface testing. We provide clients with GIS-based files and images for accurate documentation needed for the Section 106 process. Detailed geoarchaeological analysis often leads to lowered costs associated with advanced stages of archaeological research.
Architectural History Surveys & Documentation
Prior to construction or development projects, Impact7G is commonly tasked with identifying architectural properties to evaluate their potential eligibility for the National Register Historic Places. Our team utilizes historic data sources, specialized knowledge of architectural history, historic maps, and other sources for determining property significance. Impact7G can undertake these evaluations on single buildings as well as large-scale surveys involving hundreds of potentially affected properties. Impact7G also has experience with advanced architectural documentation projects meeting all standards for mitigation of adverse effects.

Historic Property Research & Documentation
Considering effects to historic properties before destruction provides nearly everyone, from school children to professional researchers, information needed to inspire community involvement and conservation of our shared history. Thorough historic resource documentation provides State and Federal agencies data necessary for informed decisions while providing clients smooth navigation of regulatory processes, resulting in fewer project delays, greater knowledge of our past, and preservation of some of our most cherished resources.