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Migratory Bird Treaty Act Compliance

Services Provided

  • Migratory Bird Nest Surveys
  • Threatened & Endangered Species Evaluation


Various Carriers



Project Completion


Performing maintenance or modification on towers with nests presents difficulty as many species of birds are protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act (MBTA), state and federally listed Threatened and Endangered Species, and the Bald and Golden Eagle Protection Act. – In support of our client’s network development regulatory needs, Impact7G biologists mobilize to complete bird nest surveys by providing a determination as to whether the nest is “active” or “inactive”. An active nest is described as a nest containing eggs or flightless young; conversely, an inactive nest contains no eggs or flightless young.

If a nest is found to be “active”, Impact7G biologists then will complete additional observation to provide a determination as to the age of the young in the nest. By aging the young bird(s), Impact7G is then able to provide an anticipated fledge date as to when the nest would be anticipated to become “inactive”.  Impact7G has extensive expertise in working with the regulators at the United States Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) and the state Department of Natural Resources (DNR) to obtain needed permits/approvals.  Our experience and relationships translate into minimization of downtime.

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